Dropship With Shopify & Get A free trial

Add winning products to your Shopify store in just minutes and watch your business sky rocket with sales. Plus with this special offer, you get a full 7 days free trial.

Ms. Miller

No other Shopify App gave me bulk list option for products.

Mr. Ferguson

My Shopify store has grown from few sales to nearly $50K.

Ms. Davidson

I finally reached my goal, made $100K+ with the W2B app.

  • Easy to integrate

    Integrates directly into your existing Shopify store, no developer needed.

  • Easy to integrate

    Integrates directly into your existing Shopify store, no developer needed.

  • Million of products

    Browse through a million dropship-ready products from multiple niches and add them to your Shopify store in real time.

  • Scale your business

    Generate a profitable active or passive income without managing any inventory.

Choose products
Import to your Shopify store
Make sales & get paid
Process your orders
Install our App & choose products

Install our App in your Bigcommerce store and start adding products to your list. From your W2B account, browse 1 million+ products and pick what you want to sell. You can add single items to your list, or an entire category or an entire supplier. Please also note that you can add/remove products from your list anytime and they will be kept in synch with your BigCommerce store.

Import to your Shopify store

Configure your global options, price markups, categories and import your list to Shopify in bulk. Then wait for sales to come in.

Make sales & get paid

Once you get an order from your Shopify store, the buyer will pay you directly. All payments will go straight into your pocket.

Process your orders

Your Shopify order will automatically be imported to your W2B account so there is no need to manually input the order. Simply click 1 button to pay us the wholesale value of the order (w2b price) and we handle the rest. You keep the difference as your profits.

Achieve Your Goals With W2B

Our Shopify Dropshipping App will automatically import your list of products to your Shopify store. Your Shopify store will be kept in sync with the supplier inventory. Customize your products for better performance and make your store unique.

  • Finally reach your financial goals with winning products
  • Change the product titles and descriptions to make them unique
  • View your estimated profit/losses
  • Out of stock items are automatically updated for you
Import Products In Bulk

Find out why everyone loves Shopify + Wholesale2B

First of all, Shopify offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy for even the most technologically challenged individuals to create a professional-looking online store. You can choose from hundreds of customizable themes and apps to personalize your store and make it stand out from the competition.

Secondly, Shopify has a huge network of third-party suppliers and manufacturers that you can partner with to source your products. This means that you don't have to invest in inventory upfront, which saves you a lot of money and reduces your risk of financial loss. You can focus on marketing and driving traffic to your store, while your suppliers take care of order fulfillment and shipping.

Thirdly, Shopify offers robust security features to protect your customers' personal and financial information. You don't have to worry about figuring out how to secure your online store since Shopify takes care of all the technical details for you. This means you can focus on building trust with your customers and providing them with a seamless shopping experience.

Finally, Shopify offers a range of tools and resources to help you grow and scale your business. From SEO optimization to email marketing campaigns, Shopify gives you all the tools you need to succeed. Plus, with its mobile app, you can manage your store on the go and stay connected with your customers no matter where you are.

Combine all of the above with Wholesale2B best selling products, and you've hit the jackpot!

New Features To Help You Grow Even More


Jan 2024
AI Generated Content

Set your store aside from everyone that copy/paste. Let our AI tool generate unique content for all your products.


Mar 2023
Make More Sales by Pushing Product Reviews to your Shopify Store

A one-of-a-kind feature, you can now show product reviews in the description of your products. Product Reviews are largely responsible for gaining trust of customers, hence this functionality would prove beneficial for your dropshipping business.


Jan 2023
Dropship Masterslass

Get a clear edge over your competitors with our new Build Your Dropship Business Like A Pro course. Primarily developed around dropshipping and its growth, our new dropshipping course provides deep insights and covers all aspects that go into building a successful dropshipping empire from scratch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Shopify Dropshipping App

Yes we do. The product images will be loaded to your Shopify store when your list is imported to your store.
Yes. Every products on your list will be pushed every day to your Shopify store so any changes made to any items on your list will be kept in synch with your store. This includes quantity in stock, pricing, name changes, removal of products, etc.
Yes, you can. You can edit the item names and descriptions directly from your list. This is a great way of making the items unique on your site which will help get better SEO. Please note that all changes need to be done directly on your list because your list is considered as your main source. If you change the prices, or item names or item descriptions directly from your store, then those changes will be overwritten by your list the next time it is synched.
Yes you do. The fee for our Shopify App does not include the Shopify store. Our Shopify App requires that you already have a store with Shopify.
The billing for our Shopify App will be handled by Wholesale2B. After your free trial is over, we will charge you the monthly fee.
No you do not need to manually input tracking codes. Once your order is shipped, we will send the tracking code back to your Shopify store and your order will be marked as shipped. This will be done automatically for you.
No you don't have to manually input your orders. Your orders will automatically be imported into your Wholesale2B account. You simply need to click on the ORDER NOW link located next to each new pending order. Please make sure that you do not change the status of your orders to shipped. You must let our system change the status for you. When you get a new order you simply need to about until it is imported into your Wholesale2B account, and click on the ORDER NOW link to complete the wholesale payment. New orders are usually imported every 3 hours.

Ultimate Guide to Dropship on Shopify: Start Your Business Now

This guide is designed to navigate you through every step of creating a successful Shopify dropshipping store, from setup to scaling. Whether you're wondering how to start dropshipping on Shopify or looking to refine your existing store, we've got you covered.

We'll walk you through setting up your Shopify account, designing a professional-looking store, managing your products, and optimizing your site for maximum efficiency.

We aim to provide you with actionable steps on how to dropship on Shopify effectively, including how to use Shopify for dropshipping to make your business thrive. We'll also delve into marketing strategies and tips for scaling your business, ensuring you're well-equipped to succeed in the competitive dropshipping landscape.

Set Up Your Shopify Account

Sign Up

To begin our journey in setting up a Shopify store, the first step is to initiate a free trial. Visit the Shopify website and click on the option to start your free trial. You will need to enter your email address and select a password and a store name. This initial setup is crucial as it forms the foundation of your online business presence.

Choose a Store Name

Choosing the right store name is more than just a creative exercise; it impacts your brand's identity and SEO. Your store name should be memorable, easy to pronounce, and reflect the products you plan to sell. Utilize tools like Shopify's business name generator to spark ideas and check domain availability instantly. Once you decide on a name, ensure it's not already trademarked or in use. The ideal name should be concise, distinctive, and align with your brand's ethos.

Connect Your Domain

After setting up your store and selecting a name, the next crucial step is to establish your professional domain. If you don't already own a domain, Shopify makes it easy to purchase one directly through their platform. Navigate to the ‘Domains' section under ‘Settings' in your Shopify admin panel. Here, you can either connect an existing domain or buy a new one. When choosing a domain, aim for a ‘.com' extension for better recognition and SEO benefits.

Connecting your domain involves several technical steps:

  1. If your domain is with a third-party provider like Google Domains or GoDaddy, you can connect it automatically to Shopify. Simply go to ‘Settings' > ‘Domains', click on ‘Connect existing domain', enter your domain details, and follow the prompts to log in to your domain provider and finalize the connection.
  2. For manual connection, adjust your DNS settings to point to Shopify’s IP addresses and add the required CNAME record. This might include:
    • Pointing the A record to Shopify’s IPv4 address
    • Adjusting the AAAA record to point to Shopify’s IPv6 address 2620:0127:f00f:5::.
    • Setting the CNAME for ‘www' to point to shops.myshopify.com..

It's essential to verify the domain connection, which can take up to 48 hours. Once verified, your domain will appear in the Shopify admin as connected, signifying that your store is now professionally branded and customer-ready.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Shopify store starts on the right foot, with a strong brand presence backed by a professional domain. This setup not only aids in building customer trust but also lays a solid foundation for future marketing and sales strategies.

Designing a Professional Shopify Store

When building your dropshipping store on Shopify, the design and functionality of your website play a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. Here, we'll guide you through selecting the right theme, creating a compelling logo, and organizing your store layout to ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Select a Theme

Choosing the right Shopify theme is foundational for setting the tone and functionality of your online store. Shopify offers a variety of themes—both free and paid—that cater to different aesthetic preferences and business needs. When selecting a theme, consider the following:

  1. Customizable Design: Look for themes that allow you to customize layouts and elements easily. This flexibility lets you align the theme with your brand's visual identity without needing extensive coding knowledge.
  2. Conversion-Focused Features: Opt for themes that include essential features such as product filtering, quick view options, and mobile responsiveness. Advanced features like cross-selling capabilities, countdown timers for deals, and pop-ups for email collection can significantly enhance your store's conversion rates.
  3. Loading Speed: Ensure the theme loads quickly to reduce bounce rates and improve user engagement. You can check the speed by using the theme’s demo version.
  4. SEO-Friendliness: A theme optimized for search engines will help your store rank better. Features like fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and clean code are crucial for SEO.

Themes like Debutify and Wokiee offer robust customization options and are optimized for high conversion rates, making them excellent choices for dropshipping businesses.

Create a Logo

Your logo serves as the face of your brand and is pivotal in making a lasting impression. Shopify offers tools like Hatchful to create professional-looking logos easily. Here’s how to make the most out of this tool:

  1. Choose Your Style: Select a design that reflects your brand’s personality and target audience.
  2. Customization: Personalize your logo by adjusting colors, fonts, and icons to match your brand identity.
  3. Application: Utilize your logo consistently across all platforms, including your website, social media, and marketing materials, to enhance brand recognition.

Creating a memorable logo helps in building a trustworthy brand image that attracts more customers.

Organize Your Store Layout

The layout of your Shopify store should facilitate an intuitive shopping experience and showcase your products effectively. Consider these strategies:

  1. Hero Banner: Use this space to make a strong first impression. Display eye-catching images of your top products with clear calls to action.
  2. Product Organization: Arrange products in a way that makes sense to your customers. Use categories and filters to help them find what they need quickly.
  3. Navigation: Ensure your site’s navigation is user-friendly and accessible. Include clear links to important sections like products, about us, and customer service.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Since most users will access your store via mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure that your layout is responsive and looks great on all screen sizes.

By carefully designing each aspect of your Shopify store, from the theme selection to the layout, you can create a professional and customer-friendly online presence. This not only enhances the user experience but also supports better conversion rates and business growth.

Product Management for Dropshipping

Managing products efficiently is crucial in a dropshipping business on Shopify. This involves conducting thorough product research, finding reliable suppliers, and importing products seamlessly into your store. Let's dive into each of these critical areas to ensure your dropshipping venture is successful and streamlined.

Conduct Product Research

Product research is fundamental to ensure the success of the items you choose to sell. It involves several key steps:

  1. Identifying a Product Idea: Start by brainstorming potential products that align with current trends or solve specific problems.
  2. Market Demand: Assess the demand for the product. High demand indicates a higher likelihood of sales.
  3. Profitability: Calculate the cost versus potential selling price to ensure profitability.
  4. Competition Analysis: Evaluate the competition in the market. Ideally, choose products with low competition or where you can offer a clear advantage.
  5. Supplier Availability: Ensure that there are reliable suppliers who can consistently provide the product.
  6. Legal Considerations: Verify that the product is not restricted, patented, or trademarked unlawfully.

By considering these factors, you can minimize the risk of introducing a product that fails to attract sufficient market interest.

Find Reliable Suppliers

Choosing the right suppliers is pivotal in dropshipping. Reliable suppliers ensure product quality and consistency, which are essential for customer satisfaction and repeat business. Here are key considerations when selecting suppliers:

  1. Supplier Reputation: Check reviews and feedback from other businesses.
  2. Product Quality: Ensure the suppliers provide high-quality products that meet your standards.
  3. Shipping Options: Look for suppliers with reasonable shipping times and costs, especially those that offer tracking and reliable delivery services.
  4. Communication: Good communication with suppliers is crucial for resolving issues quickly and efficiently.

For those looking to dropship on Shopify, Wholesale2B is highly recommended. It offers real-time inventory automation and a vast array of products, making it a robust option for managing your product sourcing effectively.

Import Products to Your Store

Once you have your products and suppliers lined up, the next step is importing these products into your Shopify store. Shopify allows for product importation via CSV files, which is particularly useful for handling large volumes of product data efficiently. Here’s how to manage this process:

  1. Prepare Your CSV File: Download a sample CSV file from the Shopify Help Center and format your product data accordingly. Ensure all fields are correctly filled and images are linked.
  2. Upload Your CSV File: In your Shopify admin, navigate to the ‘Products' section, click ‘Import', and select your prepared CSV file.
  3. Review and Adjust: Before finalizing the import, preview the import data in Shopify to ensure all details appear correctly. Make any necessary adjustments.
  4. Finalize the Import: Once satisfied, proceed with the import. This step will populate your store with the new product listings.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your product offerings in your Shopify dropshipping store, ensuring a smooth operation and a better shopping experience for your customers.

Optimizing Your Shopify Dropshipping Store

To ensure your Shopify dropshipping store operates at peak efficiency and attracts more customers, it's crucial to focus on optimizing various aspects of your store. We'll cover essential strategies, including creating engaging product pages, setting up payment gateways, and enhancing your store's SEO.

Create Engaging Product Pages

Creating compelling product pages is vital as they convert visitors into customers. Here are some steps to optimize your product pages effectively:

  1. Use High-Quality Images: About 75% of consumers rate product images as one of the most influential factors in their purchasing decision. Use large, clear images that allow customers to envision the product in use.
  2. Craft Detailed Descriptions: Support your images with descriptions that tell a compelling story about the benefits of your products. Use simple language and bullet points to make information easily digestible.
  3. Implement Interactive Elements: Add features like live chat windows to answer immediate customer queries, enhancing engagement and potential conversion.
  4. Showcase Customer Reviews: Display reviews prominently. Positive feedback enhances credibility and can significantly influence buying decisions.
  5. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your product pages are responsive and look great on all devices, as a significant number of users shop on mobile.

By focusing on these elements, your product pages can become powerful tools in driving sales and improving customer experience.

Set Up Payment Gateways

Choosing the right payment gateways is crucial for providing a smooth checkout experience. Here’s how to set up and optimize your payment gateways:

  1. Shopify Payments: If available in your country, Shopify Payments is a robust option as it integrates directly with your store, offering lower fees and eliminating the need for third-party gateways. Ensure you review the eligibility and set up two-step authentication for security.
  2. Third-Party Providers: For those in regions where Shopify Payments isn't available, options like PayPal or 2Checkout can be used. Only one credit card payment provider can be active at a time, so choose one that best fits your needs.
  3. Manual Payments: While less common, manual payment methods like cash on delivery or bank deposits are options. Custom payment methods can also be created to suit your business model.

For optimal payment processing, Wholesale2B is recommended for those looking to dropship on Shopify, as it provides efficient management of product sourcing.

Optimize SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for increasing your store's visibility and attracting more organic traffic. Here are key strategies to enhance your Shopify store’s SEO:

  1. Keyword Optimization: Use relevant keywords throughout your site, especially in product titles, descriptions, and meta tags, to improve search engine rankings.
  2. Technical SEO: Ensure your website is optimized for speed and mobile use. Implementing technical elements like sitemaps and robot.txt files can significantly boost SEO.
  3. Content Marketing: Regularly update your blog and pages with high-quality content that addresses your customers' needs and queries. This not only aids in SEO but also helps in establishing your brand as an authority.
  4. Link Building: Develop internal links between pages and acquire backlinks from reputable sites to enhance your site’s authority and ranking.

By implementing these optimizations, your Shopify dropshipping store will be better positioned to attract and convert more customers, making your online venture more successful.

Marketing and Scaling Your Business

Utilize Social Media Marketing

We understand the power of social media in boosting sales and enhancing brand visibility. By crafting a strategic social media marketing plan, we can connect with our audience effectively and drive significant traffic to our store. Here's how we can maximize our social media efforts:

  1. Identify Target Audience: It's crucial to know who we are talking to. By understanding our audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors, we can tailor our content to meet their preferences and needs.
  2. Engage Actively: Engagement is key to building a loyal community. We'll utilize interactive posts, respond to comments promptly, and encourage user-generated content to foster a vibrant community.
  3. Leverage Influencers: Collaborating with influencers who resonate with our brand can amplify our reach and lend credibility to our products.
  4. Advertise on Social Media: Investing in social media advertising can boost our visibility. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer excellent conversion rates, especially when ads are well-targeted and creatively compelling.
  5. Utilize E-commerce Features: Many social media platforms now support direct sales features, allowing customers to purchase without leaving the app. This seamless integration can significantly enhance the shopping experience and increase conversion rates.

By implementing these strategies, we can effectively use social media to grow our brand and increase our sales.

Run Ad Campaigns

Advertising is a powerful tool to accelerate growth and increase visibility. We'll focus on creating impactful ad campaigns that attract and convert:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Whether it's increasing brand awareness or boosting sales, having clear objectives guides our advertising efforts and helps measure success.
  2. Choose the Right Platforms: Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads offer unique advantages. We'll select platforms that best align with our goals and audience.
  3. Create Compelling Content: Our ads will feature engaging copy and visually appealing graphics or videos to capture attention and highlight our unique value propositions.
  4. Optimize Landing Pages: Ensuring our landing pages are optimized for conversion is crucial. They should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and aligned with the ad's message.
  5. Use Analytics for Insights: We'll utilize Shopify’s analytics tools to track our ad performance. This data will help us understand what works and refine our strategies for even better results.

Through strategic planning and continuous optimization, our ad campaigns will drive traffic and increase sales.

Use Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to connect with customers and drive repeat business. Here’s how we can optimize our email marketing strategy:

  1. Segmentation: By dividing our audience into relevant segments, we can tailor our messages to meet specific needs and interests, enhancing engagement and response rates.
  2. Personalization: Addressing customers by name and tailoring content based on their behavior and preferences can significantly increase the effectiveness of our emails.
  3. Automated Campaigns: Utilizing automated emails for cart abandonment, order confirmations, and personalized product recommendations can increase conversions without additional effort.
  4. A/B Testing: We'll regularly test different aspects of our emails, from subject lines to content and call-to-actions, to continually improve our engagement and conversion rates.
  5. Mobile Optimization: Ensuring our emails look great and function well on mobile devices is essential, as a significant portion of emails are opened on mobile.

By leveraging these email marketing strategies, we can enhance customer engagement, increase conversions, and drive more sales.


Embarking on the journey to establish a dropshipping enterprise on Shopify is encapsulated by an exploration of crucial steps from setting up the foundation to scaling your business horizon. Throughout this article, we have navigated through the meticulous process of store setup, delved into the art of designing a captivating online presence, underscored the essence of efficacious product management, and highlighted the pivotal role of store optimization. Drawing on these insights, it becomes apparent that success in the dropshipping realm is not merely about starting but thriving through strategic planning, relentless optimization, and adapting to the dynamic e-commerce landscape.

Integral to this journey is the recommendation of Wholesale2B as a quintessential partner in streamlining the dropshipping process on Shopify. The guidance provided herein not only aims to equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the foundational knowledge to embark on their Shopify dropshipping venture but also to inspire a continual pursuit of growth and excellence. With the strategies and recommendations laid out, including the adept use of Wholesale2B, the pathway to cultivating a successful dropshipping business becomes a tangible reality, promising not only financial reward but also the fulfillment of entrepreneurial aspirations.


1. What is the initial investment required to start a dropshipping business on Shopify? To kick off your dropshipping venture on Shopify, you'll need to budget for a few essentials. The Basic subscription plan for Shopify costs $29.00, and you might want to consider spending around $15.00 on a custom domain, although this is optional. If you opt for Printify as your dropshipping provider, there are no initial fees required.

2. What are the steps to begin dropshipping on Shopify for a beginner? To start dropshipping on Shopify as a beginner, first, create a Shopify account and select a plan that fits your budget and requirements. Next, download and install the DSers app from the Shopify App Store. Use the DSers's marketplace to discover suppliers and products that align with your chosen niche. Finally, import your selected products into your Shopify store.

3. Can you actually earn money through dropshipping on Shopify? Yes, it is possible to make money through dropshipping on Shopify. Top dropshippers can earn up to six to seven figures.

4. Is a business license necessary to start dropshipping on Shopify? While it is not mandatory to have a business license to set up a Shopify store, it is advisable to establish a legal business entity such as an LLC. This helps in protecting personal assets and separating personal finances from business operations, offering flexibility and cost-effectiveness for small business owners.

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