Bonus 2: Dropship Sales Analytics
Given as a free bonus, use our dropship sales analytics data to help you target buyers and increase your sales

We Collect Sales Data
Where Are The Buyers?
What Are Buyers Looking For?
Increase Your Sales

Where Are The Buyers?
Gain an advantage over your competitors with buyer's location awareness. Find out the actual cities of buyers with our color coded maps. Then laser target those hot spots with local ads on Craigslist with top selling products.
Color coded maps.
Available for both USA and Canada.
Sales data and graphs are updated every day.
See the best buying spots over 1 year, 3 years, 5 years.
What Are Buyers Looking For?
Ever wonder which niche to choose for your new business?
Find out which categories are yielding the most sales to help you make your choice.
Find out which category perform best throughout the year and adapt your selling strategy to follow the market trends.
Includes niches from all our integrated suppliers.

Elevate Your Marketing Decision
Increase your business sales by making the right choices. View up to date market trends, best categories, best items, best locations, best margins, and more...
What should you sale during the various holiday periods and seasons?
What should you sale during Christmas, Valentine, Easter, Thanksgivng, Halloween?
What should you sale during summer, winter, fall and winter?
Which suppliers are getting the most orders?
Which products are selling the most and most profitable?
Which suppliers have best shipping time and lowest shipping costs?
Which suppliers have most return requests?
Quickly glance at what others are selling the most often.
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