Dropship On Bonanza

Dropship from an inventory of over 1 million products and become a best-selling rockstar on Bonanza.

Choose products
Import to your store
Make sales
Process your orders
Choose products

Browse 1 Million products from renowned dropshipping suppliers and pick the best-fitting items for your dashing store with Bonanza.

Customize your feed

Configure your selling prices, categories, etc., and our algorithm will generate an import-friendly CSV file for your Bonanza store within 1 business day. Then Import the personalized feed into your store, and Wholesale2B's robots-at-work will automatically update your feed daily. Start selling!

Make sales

Buyers will pay you via your Bonanza store. You then pay us the wholesale value of the order and you keep the diffeence as your profit.

Process your orders

Input your orders in your Wholesale2B dashboard to process them for your customers. Just pay the base price of the products and let us handle the rest.

Take advantage of the our Bonus Tools to get the best out of your store on Bonanza

Managing an inventory and performing manual tasks is a headache, we get it. Hence, Wholesale2B offers you dropshipping tools to help you boost your e-commerce business.

  • Choose from unlimited range of products

  • Save your time and boost your income

  • World-class benefits like applying global markup on selling prices

  • Stay worry-free as we take care of the tracking codes

  • 100% white-labeled, oblivious to your customers

  • Filter products based on best-selling & low-shipping costs

Conquer the dropshipping space like no other

Packed with automated workflows, our Bonanza Dropshipping plan will enable you to generate import-friendly CSV files of products for your Bonanza store. Thanks to our simplified interface, you would be able to add or remove products based on the market trends and expand your dropshipping business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bonanza Dropshipping App

Absolutely. We at Wholesale2B have built a robust algorithm that monitors the stores and the lists from time-to-time. This helps us keep your products, their descriptions, and their stock statuses up-to-date.
No, we do not advise changing the names and the descriptions of the products from your Bonanza store. Instead, you can edit the meta titles and meta descriptions of the products directly from your list inside Wholesale2B. This is a great way of making the items unique on your site which will help get better SEO.
No, our Bonanza Plan does not include a Bonanza Store. For our plan to work, you would need to create your own store with Bonanza.
White labeling is when a product or service removes their brand and logo from the end product and lets the purchaser use their own. Which means that your customers won't know about Wholesale2B at all. For them, you are the store owner and you are the one selling all the products.
No, you do not need to manually import tracking codes. Once your order is shipped, we will send the tracking code back to your Bonanza store and your order will be marked as shipped. This will be done automatically for you.
Yes, we do. Please get in touch with us if you face any issues regarding your customer orders. We'd do our best to get them resolved. Your brand matters to us, and we strive to help you make it the best.

How to Dropship on Bonanza: A Step-by-Step Guide

This article will guide you through the necessary steps to effectively dropship on Bonanza, covering why Bonanza could be the ideal marketplace for your dropshipping business.

From a step-by-step setup to understanding effective sales techniques and exploring advanced tools that can help you scale your business; we aim to equip you with the knowledge to successfully sell on Bonanza.

By delving into the nuances of Bonanza dropshipping, we aim to empower you with a comprehensive understanding that not only simplifies the selling process but also amplifies your potential for success on this platform.

Why choose Bonanza for dropshipping?

Choosing Bonanza for dropshipping offers significant advantages, particularly for those looking to maximize their online business with minimal risk and effort. Here’s why Bonanza stands out as a preferred platform:

Low Risk, High Reward

Bonanza allows you to list products without a membership fee, making it a cost-effective option for entrepreneurs. The platform operates on a performance-based model where you only pay a small fee when a sale is made.

This structure ensures that you invest only when you earn, minimizing upfront costs and financial risks. Bonanza supports your sales efforts by running Google Shopping ads for your products at no upfront cost. This means more visibility for your items without any additional advertising expenditure.

Syncing with Other Marketplaces

One of Bonanza's standout features is its ability to integrate seamlessly with other major marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Shopify.

This integration allows for the easy import of your existing product listings from these platforms into Bonanza using a straightforward dashboard.

Whether you're using a CSV file or direct imports, Bonanza simplifies the process, saving you time and effort. The platform's syncing capabilities ensure that your product listings are consistent across different channels, enhancing your operational efficiency.

By leveraging Wholesale2B’s integration, you can further streamline your dropshipping on Bonanza.

Wholesale2B offers a vast inventory of over 1.5 million products and automates the product uploading process to your Bonanza store, ensuring daily updates and simplifying inventory management. This partnership not only facilitates easy product management but also enhances the scalability of your dropshipping business.

Step-by-Step Setup

Creating an Account

To start selling on Bonanza, click the “Sell on Bonanza” button located in the upper left-hand corner of any page, then proceed by clicking the green “Start Selling Now” button.

You'll need to set your contact email, create a username and booth title, and enter personal information including your name and address. Connecting your PayPal account is required to receive payments, and you may also add a Stripe account.

There’s a one-time setup fee of $14.99, after which you can begin listing your products.

Importing Products

Bonanza makes it easy to import your existing product listings from platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Shopify. Simply go to the “Selling” dashboard, select “Import from [Platform Name],” and connect your account. You can import thousands of products within a day or two. Remember, Bonanza has a manual review process, so it might take a few days for your products to go live.

Manual Product Listing

If you prefer to add products manually, navigate to “Selling” > “Add or edit items” and click “Add a new item.” Fill in the item details such as photos, description, price, and more.

For optimal visibility in Google searches, ensure to include UPC codes for each product. This method allows you to tailor your listings specifically for the Bonanza audience, potentially increasing your sales.

By integrating with Wholesale2B, you can access over a million dropship-ready products, simplifying the import process and ensuring daily product updates in your Bonanza store.

This partnership can significantly enhance your operational efficiency and sales potential on the platform.

Effective Sales Techniques

To excel in sales on Bonanza, focus on key strategies like price markup, order handling, and customer communication.

Price Markup Strategies

Start by researching your competition to understand pricing dynamics in the marketplace. Tools like Check a Flip provide insights into both listing and actual sale prices, helping you set competitive yet profitable prices.

Remember to include costs like acquisition and shipping when setting your prices. Utilize Bonanza’s advertising options to increase visibility without significantly increasing costs.

Handling Orders

Efficiency in managing orders is crucial. Use Bonanza’s importer tools to keep inventory synchronized across platforms, ensuring accurate listings. Fast and reliable shipping is essential.

Customer Communication

Effective communication begins the moment a potential buyer encounters your booth. Maintain prompt, professional responses to inquiries to enhance customer trust and satisfaction.

Customize your after-sale messages in Bonanza to reinforce trust and set delivery expectations. Regularly seek customer feedback to improve your offerings and address any recurring issues. Engage with customers post-purchase to encourage feedback and repeat business.

By integrating these techniques with the support of tools like Wholesale2B for efficient inventory and order management, you can enhance your sales effectiveness on Bonanza.

Advanced Tips and Tools

Bonanza's Bonus Tools

Bonanza offers advanced tools such as a Demand-Side Platform for focused marketing campaigns and access to a lending marketplace for funding growth initiatives.

These features are tailored to meet the diverse needs of complex online businesses, providing the agility required to manage and scale confidently.

White-Label Benefits

By partnering with Wholesale2B for dropshipping on Bonanza, you can leverage white-label products to quickly enter the market.

This approach minimizes your startup costs and operational complexities, allowing you to focus on branding and marketing. Wholesale2B handles product sourcing, shipping, and tracking updates automatically, enhancing your efficiency and customer satisfaction.


In embracing the techniques and tools discussed, entrepreneurs can anticipate a smoother transition into the Bonanza marketplace, armed with knowledge and strategies to enhance their online business.

The ability to leverage resources such as Wholesale2B underscores the significance of adopting innovative solutions to meet the challenges of e-commerce.

Thus, as you venture into or expand your presence in the dropshipping landscape on Bonanza, let the insights and recommendations from this guide be your compass, guiding you towards achieving a successful and fulfilling online business endeavor.


1. What are the initial steps to start dropshipping for beginners? To begin dropshipping as a beginner, follow these steps: First, decide on the platform where you will list your items for sale. Next, find a dropshipping supplier that meets your needs. Research the products you intend to sell and understand their market demand. Proceed to list your items online, manage orders, and forward them to your supplier. Finally, consider automating your business processes to streamline operations.

2. Is it possible to dropship on Bonanza? Yes, you can dropship on Bonanza. Our Bonanza Dropshipping plan includes automated workflows that generate CSV files of products suitable for your Bonanza store. With our user-friendly interface, you can easily add or remove products based on current market trends, helping you to grow your dropshipping business effectively on Bonanza.

3. How are orders processed in dropshipping? Order processing in dropshipping involves five key steps. First, integrate your operations with your supply chain. When a customer places an order, communicate this order to your supplier. Your supplier then handles the picking, packing, and shipping of the product directly to the customer. Finally, complete the process by paying your supplier for their service.

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